What are the biggest issues affecting the school? Be specific without using names or any identifiable clues.

There are a lot of issues affecting the school right now. The first issue is the budget cut. Every year students are worried about if their program is going to get cut or if their favorite teachers are leaving. Because there are 30 kids in a class it is very hard to concentrate. I really wanted to do Boces last year for Fashion Merchandising but that got cut and I had to rearrange my whole schedule again. Instead of getting the head start on my career for free, I have to go all the way into the city to take one class for $260. I was so mad and probably a lot of other kids were too. Now the second issue is unenthused kids. Some of the kids have no school spirit at all and are so disrespectful. They come to school causing a ruckus with their pants low, the hats on, and their headphones blaring: cursing out everyone in the hallway. What are they doing with their lives? I was talking to one kid and he said “CI sucks, it’s so wack.” High school is what you make of it. I love CI because I’m involved with the school and I actually help out. You have to make the best out of every situation and if you are always getting in trouble maybe that’s why you hate it. Do the right thing for once in your life. CI is a really good school because it is so diverse. My friends used to go to an “all-white” private school (my friends are black) and they told my they HATED it. They said that it is just like those teen movies where you have the popular mean girls, and the mean jocks, and the nerds. People don’t understand how lucky they have it in CI. They don’t have to worry about getting picked on because they are a little different. The third issue is that you have teachers that don’t care at all. For example, I did not learn anything in two classes that I took in the past. Why did I pass those classes with an A and a B? I then when I go to college the professors think I will know this stuff and I’m going to be like “what the heck is going on?” I just think that those really bad teachers should get fired and they should keep the teachers that are enthusiastic about teaching.

Where will you be a year from now and what will you be doing? (If you don't know where you're going, how will you know when you've gotten there? Luck? )

What is your plan to get there? (If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. )

What obstacles will you have to overcome to GITERDUN? (If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got.)

In one year I will be in my first month at Fashion Institute of Technology studying Fashion Merchandising. I will be living in the Manhattan dorms with possibly a roommate who is not weird or annoying. Some obstacles that I will have are paying for college and getting this college application and all the others completed. I am going to apply for grants, scholarships and loans but the procedure is tedious. Since I have a full schedule (with no lunch period) and I work after school, I really have to find the time to do all of these things.
What are the expectations in your twelfth grade English class? What advice from last year's senior letters will you apply to ensure that you will do well?

My expectations for this class are honestly to have fun. Previous years I have heard all the upperclassmen praise this class and how Mr. Griffin was a really great teacher. Senior year is not for one to stress out about state test, book reports and loads on top of loads of homework. I’m also not trying to be bored out of my mind and since I have worked with Mr. Griffin before, I know he isn’t. I know I will be successful in this class just as long as I do my blogs even when I don’t want to (Spencer Manigat’s words of wisdom). I expect, at the end of the year, to walk out of the high school prepared to be an independent young adult going off to college.
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