On the first day of school, you read letters from students from the class of 2011. The purpose of the letters was to provide you with students' perspectives on what to expect in class and how to successfully meet those expectations. Now it is your turn to write a letter advising the incoming seniors how to be successful based on your experiences this year.

Dear Class of 2013, 
    Hey girl or boy. How you doing? Well, if you are reading this then you definitely made the right choice of taking Tech Prep 12 and you made the right choice of reading my letter. I’m Kayla Sinclaire Johnson. You probably have seen me around the music suite or in the hallways acting a fool. I took AP English in 11th grade and it was expected of me to take APE in 12th. I made the right choice of switching because I’ve learned amazing lessons and skills from this class that would not have been taught in APE. I first came into this class thinking that it was going to be a breeze. No essays, no book reports, no crazy AP test. I could just relax the whole year and plus Dr. Griffin knew me so it would just be an easy A. If you are thinking that’s how it’s going to be then you are wrong just like how I was wrong. If you think you are going to be lazy all year and pass you better think again. I’m telling you, you will be stressed out. It is an actual class where you do work. But anyway, I love this class so much. I’m getting sad thinking this is the last project that I will send in. I am truly going to miss it. You will go into the class not knowing some people but throughout the course, those people will become family (4th period Tech Prep all day). 
    The first life lesson that I have cherished through this course is time management. Do not. I repeat DO NOT think you can hand work in late. It’s not going to fly. I am literally typing this up as fast as I can so I can reach the deadline at 11:59. If it is received at 12:01 it will not be accepted. No if’s, an’s, or but’s. Everything that we worked on is done and handed in through the computer. Time management will be your best friend senior year. There is so much going on you really need to be on point with your stuff. Every assignment we did dealt with time management, the blogs especially though. Dr. Griffin will post the blog on like Monday or Tuesday. If you are smart, which I’m not, you will do it right then so you won’t forget. But most people really wait until the 11th hour to get it done. Just like what I’m doing right now. 
    The next life lesson is organization. You really can’t just walk around in life being a hot mess. You know when you think you got it together but then later you realize that you are all over the place. Yeah. You can’t be in this class unorganized because you will get so lost. I know because I was lost a couple of times. You really have to stay on top of your game. Dr. Griffin won’t baby you. He will treat you the young adults that you are. If something is due, it’s your responsibly to get it done. For example we had to read this book. He gave us about three months to finish that book and then every couple of weeks you had to answer questions on the book. Do you know how many times I forgot to do it? One time. But that is a lot when there is only 4 book review thingies. That’s a big portion of the grade. If I was more organized then I wouldn’t have been in that predicament. 
    Here are some helpful tips to help you out. Invest in a planner to help you manage all of your work. Always strive for the best. Don’t settle for a crappy work ethic. You always want to say that you are proud of your work even when you think the assignment is stupid. Remember blogs are always due at 11:59 on Sundays. Don’t forget that. Always do your blog though. That is an easy 100%. It can really mess up your grade if you don’t do them. I know sometimes you won’t feel like it but it will really help you out in the long run. Trust me. Last but not least, GITTERDUN. You will understand in a week or two. Good luck to you. Mucho love. This is your girl signing off for the last time. 
                                                        Kayla S. Johnson 
P.S: Stay fashionable!!!