Part 1: This quarter, we wrote college essays, read poetry and novels, recited memorized poems. Each lesson was intended to teach lessons that extend beyond the classroom. For each activity listed below, explain (a) what you did, (b) the skills you learned, (c) the lessons you learned that are relevant to life after high school.

College Essay a) We transformed a real event from our lives and wrote about it. b) I learned that express my feeling through writing. c) This assignment helped me become a better writer and I’m going to need that in college and beyond. Sonnet a) We had to write a love sonnet with the appropriate sonnet format b) I learned the right way to write a sonnet. c) This assignment showed me how to think creatively and outside of the box because we are limited with only 10 syllables a line, 14 lines and the rhyme pattern. Novel a) We had a pick a novel, read it and complete book forms for the book. b) I learned how to juggle my time so I can actually read the book. c) A lesson I learned is that you may not like something at first but if it’s something you have to do then you have to do it. Once you get used to it then you end up enjoying it. I really love A Prayer for Owen Meany. Poem Recitation a) We had to pick a poem from a list that Mr. Griffin provided for us. Then we had about a month to memorize it and then we presented to the class. b) A skill I learned is prioritizing my schedule; doing what is important not what I necessarily wanted to do. Instead of watching television I would recite my poem over and over. c) A lesson I learned is that I need to get over my fear of speaking in front of a large crowd especially in the fashion industry. I’m going to have present things all the time. Hopefully in college they will train me enough so be a good presenter. Webfolio a) We had to create a website showing all of our work in Tech Prep 12. b) I learned how to create a website and transfer files. c) A lesson I have learned that I can use after high school is organization. I wasn’t so organized with my previous work so it was difficult relocating the other work to put on my website. It is important to be organized at all times so you are always prepared for anything. 


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