1. Explain the meaning of each of the following quotes and explain how each SPECIFICALLY applies to an assignments from the first quarter.

  • “It’s not a problem until it’s a problem; then, it’s a problem.”
  • KISMET: “Keep It Simple Manageable and Efficient Throughout."
  • “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”
2. Does your numeric grade on gradebookwizard reflect your performance in this class? Why or why not?

3. Which assignment/ lesson from the class taught you the most and why?

4. Are you selfish or an altruist? Defend your answer with a "quote" from Ayn Rand's introduction.

5. Rewrite the following Works Cited entry in proper MLA format.

1. “It’s not a problem until it’s a problem; then, it’s a problem.” This quote went well with the headline project because I didn’t have a camera or the time take a good cover picture. I didn’t think it was a problem before because I didn’t need it. • “Gitterun” The blogs. It is better to just do the blogs and get them over with than to just wait until 11:30 pm on Sunday • “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” The resume best represents this quote because when you enter high school you should have a plan of how you are going to spend your time productively. People that didn’t plan to do anything their high school career will fail because have nothing on their resume. • KISMET: “Keep It Simple Manageable and Efficient Throughout." Unobtainium: Obtaining 'Em is a good example of this saying. If the teams bought fewer materials but still made the product really good then they would have saved a lot of money. They would have probably made a lot of money too. 2. I think the numerically grade reflects my performance in the class because I do all my work on time and efficiently. 3. The assignment that has taught me the most is when we were working on the resume because that is what I really needed the most help with. I think that is most important since I am applying to colleges and started to go into the work force I needed to learn how to that correctly. 4. I think I am more selfish than altruist so I am selfish. In Ayn Rand’s book she says “Selfishness is concern with one’s own interests” and I care about my self more than anyone else. 5. Frapples, Bob. “Struggle for the OWs Protestors Reaches Boiling Point.” Fox.com, n.d. Web. 4 November. 2011.

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