Regurgitation of facts does little to demonstrate your engagement with Hamlet. Therefore, you will not complete a multiple choice test or any other on-demand assessment that shows little more than your ability to tell me what I told you about Hamlet or that you have taken from Sparknotes. What you will do is research a question about which you are curious.

The first step is to formulate questions. For this blog, create five (5) questions about Hamlet to which you do not know the answer and can be researched. Then evaluate someone’s questions in a reply.

1. Why didn’t Hamlet just tell Ophelia that he was going to act crazy for a while? He could have just told her that he had a mission to do and they couldn’t be with each other for a while. 2. Why did Ophelia go so crazy? 3. How does Hamlet use fashion to emulate his emotions? 4. I wonder what was up with Laertes and Ophelia because it seemed that he was little into her. 5. Why did everyone live in the same castle? Isn’t there supposed to be only the king’s family in the castle? I don’t get it.

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