Which poem have you chosen to memorize? Why did you choose the poem? How do you feel about public speaking? Are you good at memorization? What do you plan to do to make your presentation unique?

I choose the poem by William Wordsworth, it doesn’t have a title. I honestly choose this poem because its short but I can still at least get an A. I hate public speaking with a passion. My voices shakes and I start to stutter which is so embarrassing. Then, my voice sounds weird against the awkward silence in the room. I’m good at visual memorization. If I have a vocabulary test I can easily remember what word fits with what definition. But, memorizing a poem is a different story. In 10th grade, we had to memorize a part in Macbeth. I really studied it and I thought I knew it. When I got in front of the class though, I totally bombed and I was really upset. I’m not really trying to do anything special with this poem because I really wouldn’t know what to do. I’m just trying to get this project over with.

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