Did you have difficulty criticizing a peer's post on Blog 2.1 or complimenting a peer's post on Blog 2.2? Are people more comfortable criticizing or complementing in general? What does this reveal about our culture? society? individuals?

Use your experience with the last two blogs to investigate our reaction to others' thoughts and statements
I kind of had a hard time criticizing my peer’s movie list. It’s hard to criticize someone else’s opinion because I don’t want anyone to be mad at me. It was easier complimenting the Joke Blogs. For me I like complimenting better than criticizing and I think a lot of other kids feel that way too. Our society is making us be accepting of other people’s opinions. No one likes to be in conflict and to debate. It also depends on where people grow up. I feel has very humble students. If that person grew up in Bayshore where all the girls are stuck up, there mentality is ‘I can say whatever I what because I’m better than all of you.’ So they wouldn’t have had a problem criticizing their peer blogs

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