Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.
Abraham Lincoln

Find a fact and opinion from one article that supports a position that is opposite of your own.

FACT: Quote something from your site that is factual.

Opinion: "We want to see a general assembly in every backyard, on every street corner because we don't need Wall Street and we don't need politicians to build a better society."

Works Cited: Jones, Bobby. "Protestors Upsetting Local Residents." The New York Times 24 October 2011: A3. Print.

My Opinion: Provide a thoughtful, original comment about the situation in lower Manhattan.

Fact: Occupy Wall Street jumped on the bandwagon only recently, encamping in a Lower Manhattan park in late September, just a block away from the symbolic home of their perceived enemies. Opinion: That lack of organization and an articulated set of goals has led to skepticism that the movement can gain sustained momentum, as well as criticism that a significant faction of the Occupy Wall Street protesters are nothing more than gadflies, dilettantes and ne’er-do-wells. Works Cited: Prial, Dunstan. “Occupy Wall Street, Tea Party Movements Both Born of Bank Bailouts.” foxbusiness.com, 20 October 2011. Web. 11 October 2011 My Opinion: I think the government needs to stop being greedy and actually do something about all the jobless people out there. All they care about is money and they have too much money to care about money. The people without jobs are the people that really need to worry about money.

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