"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity" - Albert Einstein

Technology is supposed to make our lives easier. In many ways it does. However, in other ways, technology has made life more complicated. Imagine a year of your life without technology of any kind. How would your life be different? What would you do with your time that you spent using technology? Would you be happier? Would you be bored?

I NEED my technology. I can’t live without my cell phone, computer, and i-pod. It has become a part of this generation’s everyday life. We use it for communication, entertainment, school, research and work. If it was taken away from us then society will go crazy and chaotic. I went one day without my i-pod and I thought I was going to die. I was uneasy and my hands were shaking, I need my music. But, I think technology is a major distraction in our lives. If we didn’t have it then we would be more focused and productive. Also I think that families would spend more time together and children would spend more time playing outside. But, I still wouldn’t give up my gadgets, they are too important

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