An individual's success is rarely achieved individually. Often, success is the cumulative effect of making the right choices. Along the way, there are others who help us make those 'right choices.' Who has helped you, inspired you, motivated you, or in any other way, played a part in your decision making to achieve the successes you have to this point in your life?

Write a blog in the form of a thank you letter to a specific individual who has influenced your decision making process that has brought you to where you are today, or has inspired you to be something more.

Dear ________,

Body of letter...


Your Name

Dear Mom, 
    I love you so much. You are the best mother in the world. You are always understanding and you never doubt my abilities. You support me in everything I do and I am so blessed to have you in my life. You have taught me I can do anything in life and I really appreciate that. Even when I doubt myself and don’t believe in myself, you always push me to keep going. You are an amazing person to talk to and a good listener. You have taught me very valuable lessons that I can apply to my life when I get out on my own. You are like my best friend and I can’t see being in this world without you. 
                                                        Love, Kayla S. Johnson

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