• Every snowflake will plead their innocence in an avalanche.
  • If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.
Last week you wrote a blog expressing your views about problems in the school. Now it's time to see if you can solve one or more of those problems.

  1. Choose any problem raised by one of your peers in last week's blog and write a plan for addressing the problem.
  2. Then in your response, support one of your peer's posts by stating how you will help make his or her plan work.

Reading over the blogs from last week a lot of people said that bullying and discrimination was a problem is the school. I think if someone says or does something mean to someone else then someone should tell that person that it’s not okay to do or say those things. Even if one guy is just telling “jokes” to his friend then that friend should have enough courage to stand up to that friend. All you to do is say “that’s not funny and it’s not right,” stare at them really seriously and then the bully will get uncomfortable and back down. I think people are just scared to do that because they want to fit in with the rest of their friends or they want to look “cool.” I think this random act of kindness is a good thing we are starting in the school because then people might start to change how they act.

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