Is going to the prom worth the amount of money it costs to go? Why or why not?

Yes, prom is worth all the money that is spent. This is the one event besides your wedding day that you can dress up in an expensive dress and pamper yourself like a princess. It’s a high school experience that you will always have with you. I waited to until after prom to write this because I wanted to see for myself if it was worth it and it definitely was. I had a blast and I would do it all over again.

Is being a "Richest Man" a choice? Why or why not? Use quotes from The Richest Man in Babylon to support your position.

Yes, being the Riches Man is a choice. The Richest Man made a choice when he was young to become the Richest Man. He set little goals in the beginning that helped him reach his big goal. He didn’t give up when he failed that first time he kept on going. “Wealth grows wherever men exert energy” (Clason 15).

Find an Internet article that gives advice to the reader about money, finance, saving, wealth, investments, or anything else tied to The Richest Man in Babylon. Then, summarize the article and past the link for others to read. You cannot use the same article as someone else. The person who references an article first will receive credit.

The title of the article is “Making Sure Money’s Still There When It’s Needed.” This article is taking about how social security isn’t so secure for the elderly. It used to be in the past but now with the recession and all the tax cuts, it’s shaky. Many people don’t plan for their retirement so when the time comes they don’t know what to do. “The biggest problem is people don’t save enough,” Mr. Lansing added. “Sometimes they have to save two to three times more than they are currently setting aside.” This relates to the Richest man In Babylon because people shouldn’t rely on a government to make them financially secure (because our government is corrupt and they don’t’ care about anyone but themselves). They should save up their money until retirement and then that would be their social security.
What quote from The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason has made the biggest impact on your life so far? Why? What have you done with the wisdom from the text?

The quote from The Richest Man that made the biggest impact on my life so far is “Money makes possible the enjoyment of the best the earth affords.” I like because it’s so true. If you are poor, than you are always worrying paying the bills on time and getting basic necessities. There is no time for fun. If you have to choose from paying a bill or going to the movies then that’s a problem. You should have the money to do both. I’m not saying money brings happiness but money just makes living easier.


The folownig are the 7 rules for economic success. Which one will be the hardest for you to follow? Why? Which will be the easiest? Why?

1. Start thy purse to fattening

2. Control thy expenditures

3. Make thy gold multiply

4. Guard thy treasures from loss

5. Make of thy dwelling a profitable investment

6. Insure a future income

7. Increase thy ability to earn

Out of the seven rules the hardest for me to follow is rule two, Control Expenses because before I even get paid I know exactly what I’m going to spend it on. So, I get paid on Friday and by Saturday all my money is gone. All I buy is clothes too, which makes it worse. I know I don’t need the stuff I buy but I can’t help it. It’s like an addiction. Self-control is what I really need to work on. And after I can control my expenses all the other rules will become easy to do. Like a dominoes effect.

Research Prezi resumes using Google. List 5 things that you want to use on your Prezi resume. For example: Places you've been, accomplishments, quotes, pictures, cartoons, etc.

Five things I would like to use on my presume are: Fashion Quotes My drawing Choir pictures My job My academic success But, I have to rush this project so I could not incorporate everything that I would like to.

Respond to each of the 10 questions honestly and with reference to specific details from the third quarter only to support your responses.

1. What was the most useful lesson you learned during the third quarter and why?

2. How will you use this lesson after high school?

3. What was the least enjoyable part of the research paper writing process and why?

4. What was the most enjoyable part of the research writing process and why?

5. Using a specific example, demonstrate how your writing improved as a result of completing the research paper this quarter. In other words, explain how you have learned to make your writing more clear and concise.

6. What will you do better or differently the next time you have to write a research paper?

7. Choose a quote Mr. Griffin used throughout this research writing process and explain how it was used.

8. What could be changed about the research paper unit in Mr. Griffin's English class that would make the experience better for students?

9. Overall, rate your effort and the quality of your research paper during the third quarter.

10. What are your goals and expectations for English 12 in the fourth quarter?

1. What was the most useful lesson you learned during the third quarter and why? - The most useful lesson was “Don’t ask. Find out!” That teaches you how to be independent. Instead of depending on a teacher to tell you how to do something you learn how to do it yourself. 2. How will you use this lesson after high school? -After high school no one is going to baby you. No one is going to hold your hand and tell you how to do things. You have to figure it out on your own. Your parents are going with you to college and you are not going to have your old teachers there either. In this cut throat world you have to do things on your own. If not then you’re going to be left in the dust and everyone will be passing you by. 3. What was the least enjoyable part of the research paper writing process and why? -I least enjoyable part or hardest part was finding the right information to back up your thesis. If you have a very specific question then the research is going to be harder. I works cited page was hard to because it was a lot work knowing what type of source it was. There were just a lot of steps to follow. 4. What was the most enjoyable part of the research writing process and why? -I enjoyed the satisfaction of knowing I completed a well written research paper. I didn’t slack off and I took my time with it. Also, the relief that it was over was very enjoyable. 5. Using a specific example, demonstrate how your writing improved as a result of completing the research paper this quarter. In other words, explain how you have learned to make your writing more clear and concise. -I learned how to simply state what I want to say. I don’t have to make my sentences elaborate and complicated to sound smart. The best essays are the ones that are clear and straight to the point. And with the starting sentences for the detail paragraphs really helped me not to go off on tangents when I write. I learned how to write an intro and a conclusion paragraph. I have always struggled with that but now it’s a piece of cake. 6. What will you do better or differently the next time you have to write a research paper? -First thing would be to choose better research. We were limited so there was really nothing I could have done about that. But I more stuff to work with it would have easier. All in all, it would just be an easier process because I have done it already. 7. Choose a quote Mr. Griffin used throughout this research writing process and explain how it was used. -“Don’t guess. Find out!” This quote made us figure out problems on our own. Instead of guessing what the answer was we got the correct answer ourselves. This helped us because we are not going to have Mr. Griffin with us in college so we need to know how to do things on our own. 8. What could be changed about the research paper unit in Mr. Griffin's English class that would make the experience better for students? -I don’t think there is anything to make the experience any better. Nobody likes writing research papers in the first place. I like how we broke down writing the paper. Each week there was a new task until finally we have the finished product. That was very helpful. 9. Overall, rate your effort and the quality of your research paper during the third quarter. -I would have to give myself 10 out of 10. I put so much time and effort into the research paper so in college I would know how to do it. The process was long and tedious but in the long run it will help me out a lot. 10. What are your goals and expectations for English 12 in the fourth quarter? -My goals are to keep doing the assignments on time and do them to the best of my ability. I will try not to slack off and get seniorities.

The best way to learn something is to try and teach it.

Now that you have written an MLA style research paper, your job is to teach others how to do the same. Outline the steps taken to write a properly formatted MLA style research paper. You can write your blog as steps (Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: etc.), or you can write it in paragraph form. Be sure to use the calendar, the blogs, class lectures, and the research paper page as resources to describe how to write a research paper.

Remember this is a double-blog which will be graded on how thoroughly you have described the process of writing a research paper.

You must reply to someone's post.

The first step in the research paper is to from the question the research paper revolves around. The second step is to collect all the data on that topic and then form the works cited page. Make sure you set up you document with the correct MLA format. Next, write down five quotes from your works cited and don’t forget to use parenthetical citations. The fourth step is to begin to write the basics of the detail paragraphs. Using sentences that help you understand what you are doing; example “The main idea of this paragraph is…” Put the paragraphs in order from more important to least important or the same order of your works cited page. Then write your intro paragraph. Your first sentence is your thesis. Then, copy the first sentences form your detail paragraphs in order of how you have them, into the intro. Reword the sentences and use transitions. Don’t give too much detail. The copy your into and paste it as your conclusion paragraph. Reword everything so it doesn’t sound like the same paragraph. After you did that, develop your paragraphs. Erase the helping sentences so you are left with a clear statement. Use details to strengthen your paragraphs. Use transitional phrases to make your paragraphs to sound intelligent. Do not use slang or everyday language. Do not use contractions and keep everything in past tense. Do have any extra spacing. If you have any questions about format the best place to look is the owl website. Don’t guess, don’t ask, FIND OUT!!

Copy and paste your research paper intro paragraph as this week's blog (1pt). Critique peer's intro with both positive and negative comments(4pts).

The purpose of this research paper is to discuss the motif of clothes and outer appearance in the play Hamlet. The word motif means, in effect that there is a recurring subject, theme, or idea, especially in a literary, artistic, or musical work. Hamlet wore black in a room full of cheerful people. Thus, Hamlet’s clothing represented the character he wanted to portray. Likewise, in Shakespeare’s time, people who wore the color black symbolized sadness. Also, Hamlet’s black attire made him stand out. Therefore, outer appearance is important in the play Hamlet.

Copy and paste a detail paragraph from your research paper in to the blog.

The main idea of this paragraph is to show how Hamlet was not mourning his father’s death but in fact he was. Hamlet stated, “Tis not alone my inky cloak, good mother” (1.2.82). This supports the thesis because Hamlet clothing represented that he was indeed mourning over his father’s death. He lied to his mother so she wouldn’t feel more grief than she did.